
The Yes Men,

I thought this was a very interesting movie. Seeing it again, really allowed me to catch other details I had missed before. I think what they are doing is really amazing, but it will get old fast. The last part of the movie is my favorite part, the reaction to the newspaper always gets to me. It just so so peaceful that people would actually want this change. Government today is always talking about the people are not willing to accept change and go forth with it. But this really showed the viewers that they were, they are for change and think it is a brilliant idea to do it. Especially, the war in Iraq, I feel that topic had the biggest response. That is something that will never be forgotten, because it is a war that did not need to be fought.
Another part that still gets be is the explosion in India and how the plant still has not been cleaned up. If this was America, it would have been cleaned up within the that week. Well not really, but you get the point. Since it is not America, India does not matter, it is just a third world country right? Gosh, this just drives me insane! India still has families that are still being harmed by these chemicals. Children are being born with illness' and missing limbs.
Seriously, when will America learn, or for that the whole world. We are just driving ourselves into a ditch.